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Question: Which dealers are registered?
Answer: All dealers of caravans and motorhomes in Europe are listed on Caravanmarkt.Info. It doesn't matter whether new or used cars are being sold.

Question: What do I get from an entry on Caravanmarkt.Info?
Answer: By registering on Caravanmarkt.Info, you increase your chance of being found by camping enthusiasts and motorhome enthusiasts who want a new vehicle or need a service - free of charge.

Question: Where does the data on Caravanmarkt.Info come from?
Answer: Every dealer can manage the data, texts and images on Caravanmarkt.Info themselves. If you do not yet have access data, you can request it from us free of charge.

Question: How much does an entry on Caravanmarkt.Info cost me?
Answer: The entry is completely free.

Question: What options do I have if I want to place additional advertising?
Answer: You can place banner advertising on our portal or book a premium entry (in preparation). We do not work on a commission basis. Simply send us an inquiry .