Enter Caravan entry on caravanmarkt.info free of charge

Register your caravan entry here for free.
Then confirm your email address and you will then receive access to your caravan entry management by email. There you can continue to fill out the entry and upload images. This is free of charge for you.

Or benefit straight away from the numerous advantages of a premium entry .

If a caravan entry is missing from our portal, you can suggest it in the form below.

Caravan info

Maximum length: 200 characters

This text should just be the official name of your listing - without any additional information.

Contact information

(Can be filled later.)

General information

Note: This property can only be filled by Premium entries. More about Premium

Sie werden vor Ablauf per E-Mail benachrichtigt und bekommen einen Verlängerungslink.

The location section is inherited from the parent entry.

The contact section is inherited from the parent entry.


Gross price

Prices from Austrian providers must include Nova

Maximum length: 150 characters

Maximum length: 255 characters

Please click if it concerns accessories!

number of previous owners


Maximum length: 7 characters

Please enter in MM/YYYY format!

Maximum length: 255 characters

Please fill in your full name!

Vehicle characteristics

Please specify empty weight!


These coordinates are calculated based on your address entries.

Enter or correct coordinates on the map

I have read the data protection declaration .
